Sunday, May 6, 2007

Saturday 5th May

This morning Brooke, Lesley and Christie went to an anchor park where there were many anchors, up to 25 tonnes on display (they were found during a dredging operation to make the port deeper). this walk also included a beautiful beach, where, as you can see in the sign, you are not able to wear a swimsuit!

We then travelled to Ugale church and organ workshop where the organ maker played for us in the church and showed us the art of organ making.
Then we went on a mind blowing excursion - we travelled along a long dirt road to the middle of nowhere, the area we were in was restricted to Russian military during Soviet times. We ended up in an old Soviet military base and were given a special tour (not many people get to take) of a satellite dish used by the Soviets during their occupation. This dish was absolutely massive and our heads were spinning. There were bunkers and tunnels under the ground linking the 3 satellites on the base together. When we began to ask too many questions the response was 'I could tell you but then I'd have to kill you' (no, really). The satellite was used by the Russians to track radio communications. The tour guide had an interesting career much of which we can only imagine. We climbed to the top of the dish, were able to stand in it and played some cricket!! It really felt very surreal.

As we headed out of the army base we went through a place the Latvians call the 'Dead City". This was the accommodation for the army and when independence was declared they evacuated and it was very eerie to drive through. Much of Latvia is covered with buildings that are disused Russian buildings that are going to ruin, it is a strange sight. Heading out we drove some more dirt roads specifically built for Russian tanks, and also saw a deer!

We are doing a separate update for Saturday night as it was a BIG night!

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